Our story so far.
Outdoor Movies was born inauspiciously as an outdoor film festival benefiting Children’s Charities at National Institutes of Health. The festival struck an emotional chord and soon 10,000 people were attending each night. Growth, application of knowledge, and many patents later, Outdoor Movies is the unquestioned industry leader providing outdoor movie equipment to clients large and small. We continue to provide outdoor screenings for very select clients with large or high profile events.

Where it all started.
It all started on the campus of the National Institutes of Health where up to 10,000 people gathered each evening of the festival for a free outdoor movie on a 40′ screen.

AIRSCREEN® debuts.
Outdoor Movies acquires a 40’x20′ AIRSCREEN®. This was the first and original inflatable movie screen to be introduced to the United States. Previously, scaffolding costs made large outdoor screenings impractical and expensive.

USA master distributor, and debut 100′ outdoor movie screen.
Based on expertise, business development and positive sales growth, AIRSCREEN® awarded Outdoor Movies “master distributor” status for the USA. In partnership with AIRSCREEN®, we debut the first 100′ wide inflatable movie screen in the USA.

AIRSCREENs become the standard.
As AIRSCREEN® gained wider acceptance, its popularity grew, and over 150 were sold in 2007.

Drive-in looks to Outdoor Movies.
StarVue Drive-In in Costa Mesa, CA becomes the first 1st run drive-in movie theater to use AIRSCREEN®. This 65’x 33′ AIRSCREEN® drive-in used 35mm projection with 6kw lamps for a perfect image.

Outdoor Movies goes international.
In our first international excursion, we train Efecto Cine in Montevideo, Uruguay, on the use of their new 30′ AIRSCREEN® and makes sales calls in Panamá. Effecto Cine is a client to this day.

Digital cinema.
Outdoor Movies becomes an early adopter acquiring a 32,000 lumen Christie DCP cinema projector adding DCI compliant projection to Outdoor Movies technical capabilities. Outdoor Movies technicians attend Christie digital cinema training and certification.

Outdoor Movies is contracted by Riviera Maya Film Festival, Los Cabos Film Festival and FICUNAM Film Festival, bringing large scale quality outdoor screenings to a new international audience.

When it is winter in the USA, it is summer south of the equator. Outdoor Movies begins providing services in the Southern Hemisphere with a 65’x 33′ AIRSCREEN® and DCI compliant projection at Festival Wikén in Santiago, Chile. They are still a wonderful client.

Panama premiere.
As our global rental and sales operations grow, we begin to provide state-of-the-art outdoor and indoor screening services to the International Film Festival of Panamá.
iSERIES console rollout.
Recognizing that computer playback was becoming more popular, Outdoor Movies introduces the iSERIES outdoor movie system.
2001 A Space Odyssey.
Outdoor Movies is hired for the DCI compliant projection of the symphony version of 2001 at Wolftrap with three screens, and at the University of Kentucky. In this specialty application up to three DCP projectors were timelocked to stay in perfect sync.
Outdoor Movies facility expands.
Outdoor Movies doubles its space and expands its full service operation with separate departments for rentals, sales and service.
20th Anniversary.
Outdoor Movies celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Comcast Outdoor Film Festival benefiting NIH Charities, the event that “started it all”.
Hidden Figures.
Kennedy Space Center contracts Outdoor Movies to project the premiere of “Hidden Figures”, with cast members and the original mathematicians present.
Our Founder
Robert Deutsch
Robert received his B.S. degree from University of Maryland in Radio, Television and Film. Before starting Outdoor Movies he worked for ABC and other media properties for more than 20 years. With his name on five patent's, Bob enjoys technology and keeping Outdoor Movies at the forefront of the industry.