Acquiring large movie screens for use at a specific event can be a daunting challenge, especially if the person or team of people doing so doesn’t have any prior experience. Many questions may arise in the process, such as where to place the projector, what format to use, and how to set up equipment. A good outdoor movie rental system will help the renter answer this for themselves through custom packages that provide all of the necessary tools.
This could include factors that first-time organizers might not immediately consider, such as stands on which to place projectors and the stakes and mallet needed to keep the screens properly anchored. Such things may seem small in comparison, but they can be fundamental to a setup, especially when high winds or other adverse environmental conditions are a factor. And they can also be overlooked if a planning team isn’t taking these other factors into account.
Using the equipment correctly is also important, even though an organizer might be familiar with the various elements included in a movie package. Fortunately, online training can help exhibitors feel more prepared for the inflatable screens they’re taking on.
If you don’t know what to look for, you might miss an important aspect of movie screen setup. That’s why it’s important to find a provider that doesn’t condescend and presents everything needed to conduct a screening right at the outset. Friendly and instructive service can help make up for gaps in customer knowledge, and lead to the desired screening experience.