The world renowned Cannes International Film Festival selected its 2014 lineup Thursday. The festival, which takes place in France from May 14, through May 25, is arguably one of the most coveted competitions to be selected for.
Jane Campion, the first female director to win the event’s most prestigious award, the Palme d’Or prize, will head this year’s jury. Campion and her fellow jury members, who will be announced next week, will judge the festival’s main competition that features 18 original features. These films were selected from a pool of almost 2,000 submissions from 28 different countries.
The most exciting part about the Cannes International Film Festival, in our opinion, is that it includes an outdoor movie component! Cinéma de la Plage at the festival features outdoor movies on the beach that are open to the general public. It even has a recent history of showing world premieres and including concert series in conjunction with the films. We think they really know how to spice up their event with a little something beforehand.
The 67th year of the Cannes International Film Festival is sure to be a spectacle like no other. For a full list of films featured at the event, click here.