Outdoor Movies Blog

by Bob Deutsch

Beloit International Film festival to use outdoor movie screens

News that increasingly more film festivals are popping up, it seems necessary for festivals to find new ways to attract audiences. Two groups – the...

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by Bob Deutsch

Berlin International Film Festival the first European festival of the year

The 63rd annual Berlin International Film Festival will take place this year in Germany. According to the festival website, it will run from February...

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by Bob Deutsch

Sundance films to be on the lookout for

With only a few days of the Sundance Film Festival left, many viewers are beginning to have ideas about what were the best films...

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by Bob Deutsch

Sundance Film Festival’s 28th year brings films to Utah

The 10-day Sundance Film Festival is a little less than halfway over, running from January 17 to the 27, and so far has screened...

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