Competitive film events hosted over a short period of time can be a great way to allow aspiring talent a chance to demonstrate their ability to function in a short span of time, and cap it all off with a gratifying final viewing. The 2013 24 Hour Film Race is one such event and this year it will be once again offering a forum for participants to attempt a short within the span of a full day.
Beginning at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, May 17, entrants from all over the world are invited to register and are given a set of prompts via email to follow. The completed film, which can be four minutes maximum, must be uploaded before the day’s end and those teams that have their work accepted will be welcomed to the celebratory screening in Brooklyn. These sorts of events can attract both storied local filmmakers and the kind of armchair artists looking for the first chance to try their hand at the medium. The official site also has links that may help solo artists meet up with other like-minded individuals if they’re looking to create a team.
It’s possible that entrants in this sort of contest may end up seeing their work on a screen in front of a crowd for the first real time. If this is the case, then that moment can be enhanced through the use of the best screening equipment available. Inflatable screens and other such items can be a boon to those wishing to create and market an event of this kind.