Outdoor Movies Blog

by Bob Deutsch

With portable screens, your audience knows what they’re getting into

Public movie screenings have a charm about them, as well as a certain simplicity that may make them more desirable than suspicious streaming or...

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by Bob Deutsch

Do you know the shelf life of your movie screen?

Time always takes its toll, but the way a large outdoor screen is treated can lead to increased longevity. The nice thing about portable...

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by Bob Deutsch

Trust the varied experience of an established screen services provider

If you’re planning an event with large movie screens, you want a provider that can claim lots of history. There are all kinds of...

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by Bob Deutsch

Let experts help you pick the best spot to set up inflatable movie screens

Location, location, location: it’s something this blog has touched on several times before and will again, because it can make all the difference to organizers...

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