Outdoor Movies Blog

by Bob Deutsch

Film event sees competitors ‘race’ from inspiration to movie screens in one day

Amateur filmmakers may find great opportunities for exposure in fast-paced film events. Competitive film events hosted over a short period of time can be...

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by Bob Deutsch

Food Film Festival provides movies worth drooling over

Pickles are among the foods being distributed at the Charleston outlet of this year’s Food Film Festival. What could be better than watching succulent...

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by Bob Deutsch

Selecting overlooked films for possible summer screenings

Nathan Fillion will be appearing in Joss Whedon’s “Much Ado About Nothing,” one of many alternatives to typical summer fare organizers might consider projecting...

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by Bob Deutsch

President of Cannes Film Festival announces retirement plans

The city of Cannes is synonymous for many with its famous film festival, which will be entering its 66th year later this month. Movie...

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