Say you’ve received your inflatable screen package and all the necessary projector and screening equipment that goes along with it, and some crucial piece isn’t there. Maybe part of the sound system wasn’t included, or the iSeries computer console is missing something. The mark of a good provider will be one that can give you an extra part with haste.
While some flaws in a screen package can be overcome with the use of an included repair kit and a little elbow grease, the organizers and their team shouldn’t have to bear the brunt seeking out a spare piece for whatever reason. A well-stocked warehouse of extras can be a key antidote to these sorts of hiccups, and can even be addressed in time for the new pieces to successfully be put into action.
The level of organization used by your screen provider to store important backup pieces should be on par with the brand of professionalism that you should expect. And since you’re receiving these replacements from the same source as the model of screen that you’re using, you also won’t have to worry about compatibility issues, whatever your concern happens to be.
It’s one thing to be missing a lawn chair, but quite another to have a projector that won’t function or something equally essential out of commission. When that sort of crisis occurs, it can threaten to put everything on hold for your event. Take advantage of the responsiveness of good customer service and support lines when a problem comes up and address it directly, knowing that your AIRSCREEN experience can be made right in short order.