When selecting a film for a community screening, organizers can use different criteria, such as a theme, common interest or star potential that might be a huge draw for people. Another source, however, seems to be just as likely for predicting what people will watch on movie screens: Google.
A post on the company’s “Inside AdWords” blog described a recently conducted study that made certain observations about moviegoer information based on their activity on the internet, especially in making Google searches. One of the many findings that the study unearthed is that moviegoers are constantly looking up information on the movies they want to see, and nearly half of respondents decided a day in advance.
Between 2011 and 2012, the study showed Google searches for certain movies jumped up by 56 percent, even though more searches for big movie trailers and other information were seen weeks before the film itself would be released. Most intriguing, though, is the statistic that interested moviegoers seek out information from no fewer than 13 sources on average in preparation. Though the search company does not seem to be yet sharing the specifics of this data, it can be useful for exhibitors to consider when preparing a major film event, perhaps involving outdoor screens.
Knowing the habits of certain moviegoers before they even sit down in front of movie screens can aid in understanding the ways in which attendees like to prepare themselves before such an event. Users of outdoor screens at the very least can take this into consideration when planning the marketing for their campaigns.