With so many means of downloading movies on a personal computer, you might wonder why a person would bother venturing out of their house to catch a flick on large movie screens somewhere else. There are aesthetic reasons, like the joy of being surrounded by other people or the chance to enjoy a different room (or, if the screening is outside, no room at all). But there are practical reasons for going to a movie theater, and that is the fact that downloading or streaming movies, besides being legally questionable, can be harmful to a user’s computer.
So says PCMag’s Security Watch, which recently discussed the potential for these kinds of activities to result in viruses or other problems. It points out that “scammers” use social media to misdirect viewers wishing to watch popular movies for free, and cites a post by Trend Labs that breaks down this summer’s blockbusters in terms of which are being used to lure unwary browsers online.
In that study, this summer’s “Man of Steel” proved far and away the most popular “stream bait,” reportedly responsible for more than 150,000 views on scam websites. The site warns to stay away from pages that look disreputable.
Compare this struggling and risk with the simplicity of an evening in front of inflatable screens and it seems like an obvious choice. People talk about the convenience of streaming, but there can be a price that users aren’t aware of. When exhibitors offer outdoor screenings, they can also promise an uncomplicated type of event that’s just as appealing as ever.