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Digital Cinema

Reasons Customers Prefer Outdoor Movies

Customer Testimonials

— Scott Braid
Maryland Film Festival

Thanks for everything Bob! It was a pleasure working with you and your team. It was a great fest! Thanks to DTA for a being a big part of that success.

— Lisa Salvatore

We want to take a moment to recognize and express our appreciation for Outdoor Movies exceptional efforts and service. We are more than thankful for all of the help you have given to us over the years; always with a quick response to our needs and with such professionalism. It is reassuring to know that you are always there.

— Brian J. Terwilliger
Director - One Six Right

Just wanted to let you know that I was thoroughly impressed with your outdoor movie screen and the overall professionalism of your technical team. The HD projection was among the very best I had ever seen. I have a very critical eye, know my film intimately. In my estimation, your picture/sound was without question in the top 1%.

— Andrew Owen
Look3 Festival of the Photograph

We wanted to pass on our heartfelt thanks and gratitude. You guys are true consummate professionals. It always looks great when we work together.

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(866) 448-3456

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